
Guest Networks with Captive Portal Authentication - WIFI login page

WIFI login page

Here's an easy tip!  Have you ever gone to Tim Hortons, Starbucks, or McDonald', connected to their WIFI, and then opened your browser to see nothing?

Here's a quick an easy way to fix that! In your browser, (Explorer, Safari or Chrome),

You must log in to Tims agreements,  you have to accept there terms of service. Once logged in you should be good. Same thing goes for McD.

You have to open your browser and accepts Tim Hortons conditions.
After that, you will be able to surf.

Guest Networks with Captive Portal Authentication

And that's it! The browser will send you to the login page where you need to accept for WIFI access terms of service and you're done!

1 comment:

  1. I can get tim wifi but not the sign on page. ?
